Some useful links:


Realities Wellington

Realities is a group that supports people who experience, or have experienced, living in an alternate reality to others.

Mental Health Mates (Wellington)

A Wellington group open to everyone! Just a bunch of like-minded people who meet up for coffees and walk & talk about all the things whizzing around our heads in a totally safe, no-judgement zone.

Capital & Coast District Health Board

The Capital and Coast District Health Board is a district health board with the focus on providing healthcare to Wellington City, Porirua City and the Kapiti Coast in New Zealand.

Wellington City Council

See the latest events and keep up to date with the services the council has on offer.


Eventfinda is an online event discovery and ticketing service. See what's on in New Zealand with eventfinda.

Te Ara Korowai

Te Ara Korowai is a peer led creative wellbeing centre in Raumati Beach.

Newtown Community & Cultural Centre

The Newtown Community and Cultural Centre has a wide range of classes, activities and events on offer. 

Vincents Art workshop

Vincents Art Workshop is a community based initiative providing access to arts and craft facilities, skilled tuition, and materials within a supportive environment. All people are welcome and it is free.

Volunteer Wellington

At Volunteer Wellington they are focused on growing the leadership base within the volunteer management sector.


MIX is a not for profit community mental health day service.